Website Building » Squarespace » What Size Should My Squarespace Background Image Be?

What Size Should My Squarespace Background Image Be?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:22 am

When it comes to creating a beautiful and engaging website, the background image is an important element to consider. The background image can set the tone and style of your site, and can help make your content pop. So, what size should your Squarespace background image be?

The short answer is that your background image should be at least 1400 pixels wide. This will ensure that your image looks great on all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones. And, if you want your site to look truly amazing, you can always go bigger!

Now, let’s take a closer look at why 1400 pixels is the magic number for background images on Squarespace. First, it’s important to understand that the width of a website is not fixed.

That is, the width of a site will adjust to fit the screen size of the device it’s being viewed on. So, if someone is viewing your site on a desktop computer with a large monitor, they’ll see a wider version of your site than someone who is viewing it on a smaller device like a phone.

PRO TIP: When using a background image on Squarespace, be aware that the image may be cropped or resized on certain screen sizes and devices. Use an image that is at least 1500 pixels wide and 1000 pixels tall to ensure the best quality.

This means that you need to make sure your background image is wide enough to fill the width of the largest screen size it will be viewed on. And, since 1400 pixels is wider than most monitors, it’s safe to say that this width will work for almost all users.

In addition to being wide enough to fill different screen sizes, 1400 pixels is also the minimum width required for certain Squarespace features to work properly. For example, if you want to use parallax scrolling on your site (where the background image moves more slowly than the foreground content as you scroll down), your background image must be at least 1400 pixels wide.

So, there you have it! If you want your Squarespace site to look its best, make sure your background images are at least 1400 pixels wide.

The bottom line is that your background image should be at least 1400 pixels wide in order to create an effective and visually appealing website design.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.