Website Building » Shopify » What Size Should Photos Be for Shopify?

What Size Should Photos Be for Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:15 pm

When it comes to sizing photos for your Shopify store, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, your photos should be high-quality and professional-looking.

Secondly, they should be sized appropriately for the space they’ll be occupying on your website. Here are a few tips for getting the perfect photo size for your Shopify store:

Your photos should be at least 1200 pixels wide. This will ensure that they look sharp and clear on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones.

PRO TIP: When it comes to sizing your photos for Shopify, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, all photos should be a minimum of 1200px by 1200px. Anything less than that and your photos will appear pixelated and low quality. Additionally, try to keep the file size of your photos as small as possible, as large files will slow down your website’s load time.

If you’re using product photos, make sure they’re sized so that there’s plenty of white space around the edges. This will make them easier for shoppers to click on and zoom in on.

If you’re using photos of people or models, make sure they’re cropped close to the chest so that shoppers can see the products being worn or used.

Finally, remember that you can always adjust the size of your photos after you’ve uploaded them to Shopify. So if you’re not sure about the perfect size, start with a larger photo and then resize it down until it looks just right.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.