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What Skills Do You Offer Clients UpWork Accounting?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:23 am

As a certified public accountant (CPA), I bring a unique skillset to the table when it comes to accounting and bookkeeping services. I am able to provide clients with expert analysis and advice on a variety of financial matters, as well as prepare and file tax returns.

I have a strong understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and am well-versed in QuickBooks and other accounting software programs.

PRO TIP: While the skills you offer clients on Upwork may be varied and vast, it is important to remember that not all clients are looking for the same thing. When creating a profile or pitching to a potential client, be sure to focus on the specific skills that they have requested. Offering too many services or skills can actually work against you, as the client may feel overwhelmed or unsure of what it is you can really do for them. Stick to highlighting the skills that are most relevant to the job at hand, and you’re sure to land the gig.

In addition to my technical skills, I am also a very detail-oriented and organized individual. I have a strong work ethic and take pride in my ability to get the job done right, no matter how challenging it may be.

I am confident in my abilities and have a proven track record of success when it comes to meeting deadlines and completing projects.

I believe that my skills and experience would be a valuable asset to any business or individual seeking accounting or bookkeeping services. If you are looking for someone who can provide you with accurate and reliable financial advice, as well as handle all of your tax needs, then I would be the perfect candidate for the job. Contact me today to discuss your specific needs and see how I can help you reach your financial goals.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.