Website Building » Shopify » What to Do if You Get Scammed on Shopify?

What to Do if You Get Scammed on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:03 pm

When you’re running an online business, there’s always a risk of getting scammed. Whether it’s a customer who doesn’t pay for their order, or a fraudulent charge on your credit card, it’s important to know what to do if you get scammed on Shopify.

If you’re a Shopify merchant, there are a few different types of scams that you might come across:

1. Customer Scams

The most common type of scam that Shopify merchants face is from customers who don’t pay for their orders. This can happen if a customer uses a stolen credit card, or if they simply refuse to pay after receiving their order.

If you suspect that a customer has scammed you, the first thing you should do is reach out to them and try to resolve the situation directly. If you can’t come to an agreement, you can file a dispute with your payment processor.

2. Chargeback Scams

Another type of scam that Shopify merchants need to be aware of is chargebacks. A chargeback is when a customer disputes a charge on their credit card, and the credit card company refunds the customer’s money.

Chargebacks can be incredibly costly for businesses, as they not only lose the value of the order, but also have to pay fees to the credit card company. If you suspect that a chargeback is fraudulent, you can contact your bank or payment processor to dispute the charge.

3. Payment Processor Scams

Unfortunately, even your payment processor can sometimes be involved in scams. In some cases, scammers will set up fake accounts with popular payment processors like PayPal or Stripe, and then use those accounts to process payments for their own products or services. If you receive a payment from a suspicious account, reach out to the payment processor right away to confirm that the account is legitimate.

What to Do if You Get Scammed on Shopify?

If you’ve been scammed on Shopify, the first thing you should do is reach out to the person or company who scammed you and try to resolve the situation directly. If that’s not possible, or if you suspect that the scammer is not legitimate, your next step will depend on what type of scam it is:

PRO TIP: If you are scammed on Shopify, there are a few things you can do to get your money back and protect yourself from future scams. First, report the scam to Shopify. Second, file a dispute with your credit card company. Third, contact your local law enforcement. Finally, take screenshots of any communication you had with the scammer and save any relevant emails or chat logs.

If it’s a customer scam, you can file a dispute with your payment processor.

If it’s a chargeback scam, you can contact your bank or payment processor.

If it’s a payment processor scam, reach out to the payment processor right away.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.