Web Design » Figma » What’s the Difference Between Frame and Group in Figma?

What’s the Difference Between Frame and Group in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:24 am

When it comes to design, there are a few tools that are essential to the process. One of those tools is Figma.

Figma is a vector design and interface prototyping tool that allows designers to collaborate in real-time. It’s become a popular tool for designers, and for good reason.

Figma has two main features that make it stand out from other design tools: frames and groups. These two features may seem similar, but they actually serve different purposes.

frames are used to create individual elements, while groups are used to organize multiple elements. Here’s a closer look at the difference between frames and groups in Figma.


Frames are used to create individual elements. You can think of them as the building blocks of your design. When you create a new frame, you can choose from a variety of shapes and sizes.

You can also add text, images, and other elements to your frame. Once you’ve created a frame, you can move it around, resize it, and change its properties.

PRO TIP: There is a difference between frame and group in Figma. When you create a new frame, it defaults to the size of the artboard. You can then add objects to the frame, and they will be contained within the frame. If you resize the frame, the objects within it will scale proportionally. A group is simply a collection of objects. Groups can be created by selecting multiple objects and clicking the “group” button in the toolbar. There is no default size for groups, and they cannot be resized.


Groups are used to organize multiple elements. Groups allow you to combine multiple frames into a single element. This is useful when you want to move multiple elements around as a unit.

You can also use groups to apply effects to multiple elements at once. For example, if you wanted to add a drop shadow to multiple frames, you could group them together and then add the effect to the entire group.

In conclusion, frames are used to create individual elements while groups are used to organize multiple elements in Figma. Groups allow you to combine multiple frames into a single element which can be useful when wanting to move or edit multiple elements at once.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.