Website Building » Shopify » When Should I Fulfill My Shopify Order?

When Should I Fulfill My Shopify Order?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:38 pm

If you are thinking about opening a shop on Shopify, one of the first questions you need to ask yourself is when you should fulfill your orders. Fulfilling orders is the process of shipping products to your customers.

There are a few things to consider when deciding when to fulfill your orders, such as your shipping method and your inventory levels.

Your shipping method will affect when you need to fulfill your orders. If you are using a dropshipping service, you will need to ship your products as soon as you receive an order from a customer.

Dropshipping services ship products directly from their warehouses to your customers. This means that you do not need to keep any inventory in stock. However, it can take a few days for dropshipped products to be delivered to customers, so you will need to take this into account when deciding when to fulfill orders.

If you are not using a dropshipping service, you will need to ship products from your own warehouse or store. This means that you will need to have inventory in stock in order to fulfill orders.

When deciding when to fulfill orders, you will need to consider how quickly you can restock your inventory. You don’t want to run out of inventory and have to cancel orders, so it’s important to plan ahead.

PRO TIP: If you are unsure about when you should fulfill your Shopify order, err on the side of caution and fulfill the order as soon as possible. If you wait too long to fulfill an order, the customer may become impatient and cancel the order, which can lead to a loss of sales.

In general, it’s best to fulfill orders as soon as possible. This way, your customers will receive their products quickly and be happy with their purchase.

However, there are some cases where it might make sense to wait a bit longer before fulfilling an order. For example, if you know that a product is going to be out of stock for a few days, you might wait until it arrives back in stock before shipping it out.


When Should I Fulfill My Shopify Orders?

You should fulfill your Shopify orders as soon as possible in order to keep your customers happy. However, there are some cases where it might make sense to wait a bit longer before fulfilling an order. You should consider your shipping method and inventory levels when deciding when to fulfill your orders.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.