Web Design » Canva » When Was the Canva Data Breach?

When Was the Canva Data Breach?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 12:07 am

On May 24, 2019, Canva, an online design platform, announced that it had suffered a data breach. The breach affected approximately 139 million users. Canva is used by businesses and individuals to create designs for social media, marketing materials, and other purposes.

The news of the data breach came as a shock to many Canva users. The company has not yet released detailed information about what happened or when the breach occurred. However, it is clear that this is a serious incident with potentially far-reaching implications.

PRO TIP: Canva has recently suffered a data breach which has resulted in the personal information of millions of users being exposed. This includes names, email addresses, physical addresses, and phone numbers. If you have an account with Canva, it is important to change your password and be on the lookout for any suspicious activity.

Canva has advised all users to change their passwords and to be vigilant about phishing emails and other attempts to exploit the breached data. The company is also working with law enforcement authorities to investigate the incident.

This is not the first time that Canva has been in the news for security reasons. In 2018, the company was criticized for its handling of a security flaw that allowed anyone with a link to view and download private images. Canva fixed the flaw quickly, but the incident raised questions about the company’s commitment to security.

The Canva data breach is a reminder that even well- established companies can be vulnerable to attack. It is important for all businesses to take steps to protect their data and their customers’ data. Canva’s response to the breach will be closely watched by the business community as an example of how to (or not to) handle such an incident.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.