Website Building » Squarespace » Where Are Images Stored Squarespace?

Where Are Images Stored Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:55 am

As you probably know, when you take a photo with your digital camera or smartphone, the image is stored on a memory card. But have you ever wondered where these images are stored after you upload them to your computer?

The answer is that they are stored in what is called the image file. This is a special type of file that contains all the information about the image, including the pixels (the tiny dots that make up the image).

When you view an image on your computer screen, the computer reads the image file and displays the pixels on the screen. The pixels are so small that they appear as a single image.

PRO TIP: Images that are uploaded to a Squarespace account are stored on the company’s servers. If you cancel your account, you will no longer have access to these images.

So, where are images stored on Squarespace?

Images are stored in the same place as your other website files: on our servers. When you upload an image to Squarespace, we automatically save a copy of it to our servers. We also create different sizes of the image so that it can be displayed properly on different devices, such as phones and tablets.


Where Are Images Stored Squarespace?

Images are stored in the same place as your other website files: on our servers. When you upload an image to Squarespace, we automatically save a copy of it to our servers.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.