Website Building » BigCommerce » Where are my reviews on BigCommerce?

Where are my reviews on BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:34 am

If you’re looking for a platform to start and grow your online business, BigCommerce is a great option. With its user-friendly interface and tons of features, it’s easy to get started.

However, if you’re looking for customer reviews, you may be disappointed. While BigCommerce does offer a review system, it’s not as robust as some other platforms.

PRO TIP: If you are wondering why your customer reviews are not appearing on your BigCommerce store, it is likely because you have not yet enabled the Customer Reviews feature. To do this, go to your BigCommerce control panel and click on ‘Settings.’ Under the ‘General’ tab, look for the ‘Customer Reviews’ section and select ‘Yes’ next to ‘Allow Customer Reviews.’ Once you have saved your changes, reviews should start appearing on your store.

This can make it difficult to find honest feedback about your business.

If you’re looking for a platform that’s easy to use and has plenty of features, BigCommerce is a great choice. However, if you’re looking for customer reviews, you may want to consider another option.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.