Website Building » Wix » Where Are Wix DNS Records?

Where Are Wix DNS Records?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:23 am

DNS, or Domain Name System, is a key component of the internet that allows users to connect to websites using easy-to-remember domain names instead of IP addresses. is a popular website builder that provides users with an easy way to create and host their own websites.

One of the features of Wix is that it allows users to use their own custom domain name with their website, which can make it easier for people to find and remember your website. In order to do this, Wix needs to be able to point your domain name to their servers, and this is done using DNS records.


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DNS records are basically like a phone book for the internet. They tell computers where to find specific websites when someone types in a domain name.

When you create a website with Wix, they will automatically generate the DNS records needed to point your domain name to your website. However, if you want to use a custom domain name with your Wix website, you will need to add the DNS records yourself.

Fortunately, adding DNS records is not difficult, and Wix provides clear instructions on how to do it. Basically, you just need to log in to your domain name registrar (where you bought your domain name) and add the following four DNS records:

An A record:
This points your domain name to the IP address of the Wix servers. You will need to specify @ as the hostname.

A CNAME record:
This points your www subdomain (if you have one) to the same IP address as your main domain name. You will need to specify www as the hostname.

An MX record:
This tells email servers where to deliver emails sent to your domain name. You will need to specify @ as the hostname and mx1 as the value/destination.

A TXT record:
This allows you to verify ownership of your domain name with Wix. You will need to specify @ as the hostname and a code provided by Wix as the value/destination.

Once you have added these DNS records at your domain registrar, it can take up to 48 hours for them to propagate across the internet. After that, your custom domain should be working with your Wix website!

PRO TIP: If you are using Wix as your DNS provider, be aware that your DNS records may not be where you expect them to be. Wix uses a third-party DNS provider, and your records may be managed by this provider. This can cause problems if you need to make changes to your DNS records, as you may not be able to access them directly.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.