Web Design » Photoshop » Where Can I Get Patterns for Photoshop?

Where Can I Get Patterns for Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:38 pm

There are a number of places you can get patterns for Photoshop. You can find them online, in books, or in magazines.

If you’re looking for something specific, like a polka dot pattern, you can try searching for it online. There are a number of websites that offer free patterns, and many of them have a search function so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.

PRO TIP: When looking for patterns for Photoshop, be aware that many sites offering these for download are actually selling pirated copies of Photoshop. Downloading these illegal copies puts you at risk of being prosecuted by Adobe. Only download Photoshop patterns from reputable sites that you know are selling legal copies of the software.

If you don’t mind spending money on patterns, there are also a number of books available that focus specifically on Photoshop patterns. These can be a great resource if you’re looking for a wide variety of patterns, and they often come with helpful tutorials on how to use them.

Finally, if you have a subscription to a design magazine, such as Photoshop User or HOW Magazine, each issue usually comes with a CD or DVD that includes a number of patterns (among other resources). These can be great to have on hand if you want to experiment with different looks.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.