Website Building » WooCommerce » Where is checkout page in WooCommerce?

Where is checkout page in WooCommerce?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:36 pm

When you visit the checkout page in WooCommerce, you’ll see a few different areas where you can enter your information. The most common area is the “Cart” section.

In this section, you can add items to your cart, and then enter your shipping information.

If you’re using a subscription service, you’ll also see a “Subscription” section. In this section, you can enter your payment information and cancel your subscription.

If you’re using a payment gateway, you’ll see a “Payment gateway” section. In this section, you can enter your payment information, and then select the method of payment you want to use.

PRO TIP: The WooCommerce checkout page is located at /checkout/ on your site’s domain. If you are using a custom WooCommerce theme, the location of the checkout page may be different. Please consult your theme’s documentation for more information.

Finally, if you’re using a plugin like Gravity Forms, you’ll see a “Add new form” section. In this section, you can enter your form information, and then select the plugin from the list of options.

Once you’ve finished entering your information, you’ll click the “Checkout” button. This will take you to the main checkout page.

Here, you’ll see all of the items in your cart, as well as any additional information that you added in the “Cart” or “Subscription” sections.

You can then click the “Buy now” button to complete your purchase.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.