Website Building » Squarespace » Where Is Code Block on Squarespace?

Where Is Code Block on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:56 am

Code blocks are a Squarespace feature that allows you to insert HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into your site. They’re useful for adding custom functionality or modifying the appearance of your site.

You can access code blocks in the Design panel. In the left sidebar, click Code.

Here, you’ll see all the code blocks on your site. You can edit an existing code block or add a new one.

To edit a code block, click on it and make your changes in the editor. To add a new code block, click the + button. This will open the Add Code Block modal, where you can choose what type of code block you’d like to add.

There are three types of code blocks:

  • Code: Use this block for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Markdown: Use this block for Markdown syntax. Markdown is a way to style text on the web.

    You can learn more about Markdown here.

  • Text: Use this block for plain text. This is helpful if you want to add an HTML element that doesn’t have a built-in Squarespace code block, like a <form>.

Once you’ve added a code block, you can use the arrows in the upper-left corner to move it around. You can also duplicate, delete, or disable it using the buttons in the upper-right corner.

Where Is Code Block on Squarespace?

Code blocks are found in the Design panel on Squarespace. In the left sidebar, click Code to access all of the code blocks on your site. You can edit an existing code block or add a new one by clicking on the + button.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “Where Is Code Block on Squarespace?” article is outdated and no longer accurate. The Code Block feature has been removed from Squarespace and is no longer available for use.

There are three types of code blocks available in Squarespace: Code, Markdown, and Text. Code blocks are intended for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Markdown blocks are intended for Markdown syntax. Text blocks are intended for plain text.

You can use the arrows in the upper-left corner of a code block to move it around. You can also duplicate, delete, or disable it using the buttons in the upper-right corner.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.