Hosting » HostGator » Where is MX record in HostGator?

Where is MX record in HostGator?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:32 pm

HostGator MX Records

MX records are used in mail delivery and are used to determine where mail should be delivered. HostGator uses MX records to determine the mail server to which mail should be delivered.
HostGator’s MX record is set to mail.HostGator.

PRO TIP: The MX record in HostGator can be found in the DNS Zone Editor. To access the DNS Zone Editor, login to your cPanel and click on the “Zone Editor” icon. In the Zone Editor, you will see a list of your domains. Find the domain you wish to modify, and click on the “Edit” button to the right of that domain.

com. HostGator’s MX record is the primary MX record for HostGator. Other MX records may be used to redirect mail to other servers. .

HostGator uses a dedicated mail server as the primary MX record. The MX record is set to and the priority is set to 1.

This means that mail destined for HostGator’s primary mail server should be delivered first. If HostGator’s primary mail server is unavailable, mail should be delivered to the next MX record in the list, which is

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.