Website Building » Wix » Where Is My Wix Ticket?

Where Is My Wix Ticket?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:38 am

If you’re a Wix user, you’re probably familiar with the Wix Support Center. When you have a question or encounter an issue with your Wix website, you can submit a ticket and our team of support specialists will get back to you as soon as possible.

But what if you can’t find your ticket? Maybe you accidentally deleted the email or can’t remember the exact date you submitted it. Don’t worry – there are a few ways you can locate your ticket and get the help you need.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

First, try checking your spam folder. Sometimes our emails end up there by mistake. If you don’t see your ticket in your inbox, take a look in your spam folder and see if it’s there.

If you still can’t find your ticket, log in to your Wix account and go to the Support Center. On the top right corner of the page, click on the profile icon and select “My Tickets.”

Here you’ll see a list of all the tickets you’ve submitted, as well as their status (open, closed, etc. ).

If you still can’t find your ticket, contact us and we’ll be happy to help locate it for you.

So if you’re wondering “Where is my Wix ticket?,” don’t fret – there are a few ways to track it down and get the support you need.

Where Is My Wix Ticket?

If you’re a Wix user, chances are good that you’ve had to submit a ticket to the Wix Support Center at some point. Whether it’s because of an issue with your website or just a question about how to use one of our features, our team is always here to help.

But what happens when you can’t find your ticket? It’s not uncommon for users to accidentally delete their email confirmation or forget which date they submitted their request on. Luckily, there are a few ways to track down your elusive ticket.

PRO TIP: If you are having trouble finding your Wix ticket, please contact customer support for assistance. Do not give your personal information to anyone claiming to be from Wix customer support unless you are sure they are legitimate.

First, try checking your spam folder. Sometimes our emails mistakenly end up there.

If you don’t see your ticket in your inbox, take a quick look through your spam folder – it might be hiding out in there.

If that doesn’t work, log in to your Wix account and go to the Support Center. Once you’re there, click on the profile icon in the top right corner of the page and select “My Tickets.” This will bring up a list of all the tickets you’ve ever submitted along with their current status (open, closed, etc.

Still no luck? Don’t worry – contact us and we’ll be happy to help locate your ticket for you.

So if you’re wondering “Where is my Wix ticket?,” remember – there are a few ways to track it down. Check your spam folder, log in to your account, or contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.