Website Building » Wix » Where Is Social Post Editor on Wix?

Where Is Social Post Editor on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:39 am

As of July 2019, Social Post Editor is no longer available on This means that users can no longer create or edit social posts using the Wix platform. However, users can still view their social posts and see statistics about them.

The removal of Social Post Editor from Wix was first announced in June 2019, with the Wix team citing a lack of use as the main reason for its removal. At the time, the team said that they would be working on other ways to help users share their content on social media.


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Since the removal of Social Post Editor, there have been no updates from Wix about what they are doing to replace it.

This has left many users wondering where they can go to edit their social posts or create new ones.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for the social post editor on Wix, be warned that it is no longer available. The feature was removed in early 2018 and is no longer supported by the platform.

There are a few alternatives to Social Post Editor that users can try. One is Hootsuite, which is a platform that helps users manage their social media accounts. Another is Buffer, which is similar to Hootsuite but also has a free plan that users can try.

At this time, it is unclear what Wix’s plans are for social media management. The company has not made any announcements about what they are working on or when they plan to release anything new. This leaves users in a difficult position when it comes to managing their social media accounts.

Where Is Social Post Editor on Wix?

As of July 2019, Social Post Editor is no longer available on Wix.

The removal of Social Post Editor from Wix was first announced in June 2019, with the Wix team citing a lack of use as the main reason for its removal.

Since the removal of Social Post Editor, there have been no updates from Wix about what they are doing to replace it. This has left many users wondering where they can go to edit their social posts or create new ones.

There are a few alternatives to Social Post Editor that users can try.

At this time, it is unclear what Wix’s plans are for social media management.”

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.