Web Design » Canva » Where Is the Animate Button in Canva?

Where Is the Animate Button in Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:14 am

As a free online design platform, Canva is a great way to quickly create professional looking designs. But if you’re new to Canva, you may be wondering where the animate button is.

The animate button is located in the top left corner of the Canva interface, next to the ‘Create a design’ button. To animate your design, simply click on the animate button and select the type of animation you want to add from the menu that appears.

There are four types of animations available in Canva:

– Entrance animations: These animations will make your elements appear on the screen when you start your design. – Exit animations: These animations will make your elements disappear from the screen when you’re done with your design.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for the animate button in Canva, you will not find it. Canva does not have an animate button or any animation features.

– Motion path animations: These animations let you add movement to your elements along a predetermined path. – Pre-defined animations: These are ready-made animations that you can add to your elements with just a few clicks.

Once you’ve selected an animation, simply click on the element you want to animate and then click ‘Apply’. You can then adjust the timing and duration of your animation using the controls that appear. When you’re happy with how your animation looks, simply click ‘Publish’ to share your design.

So there you have it! That’s where the animate button is in Canva and how to use it to add animations to your designs.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.