Web Design » Figma » Where Is the Layout Grid in Figma?

Where Is the Layout Grid in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:27 am

The layout grid is hidden in Figma by default. To see it, click on the icon in the top right corner that looks like a square with four arrows pointing outwards. This will open up the layout grid settings.

The layout grid is a powerful tool that can help you create consistent and responsive designs. It can be used to create both fixed and fluid layouts.

Fixed layouts are those that have a set width, such as 960px. They are often used for traditional web design. Fluid layouts, on the other hand, use percentages or other relative units, so they can resize to fit any screen size.

The layout grid settings in Figma let you control the width of the columns, gutters, and margins. You can also choose whether to use a 12-column or 16-column grid.

PRO TIP: The Layout Grid feature in Figma is currently in beta and is subject to change. Use at your own risk!

Once you’ve decided on your settings, you can start adding content to your grid. To do this, simply click and drag within the canvas. Figma will automatically snap your content to the nearest grid line.

You can also use the alignment tools to quickly position your content within the grid. Simply select your content, then click on one of the alignment buttons in the top toolbar.

If you need more control over your layouts, you can always switch to another tool, such as Flexbox or CSS Grid. But for most projects, the layout grid will be more than enough.

The layout grid is a powerful tool that can help designers create responsive and consistent designs quickly and easily. For fixed width designs, such as 960px layouts often used in traditional web design, or fluid layouts using percentages or other relative units that resize to fit any screen size, Figma’s layout grid settings provide control over columns, gutters, margins, and whether to use a 12-column or 16-column grid.

And once settings are decided upon, content can be added to the grid simply by clicking and dragging within the canvas where Figma will automatically snap content to the nearest grid line. For even more precise alignment of content within the grid, Figma’s alignment tools can be used after selecting content with a click. If additional control over layouts is needed beyond what the layout grid offers designers, tools such as Flexbox or CSS Grid are always an option though for most projects, the layout grid will be sufficient.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.