Hosting » HostGator » Where is the PHP INI file in HostGator?

Where is the PHP INI file in HostGator?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:45 pm

PHP INI File Location in HostGator

The PHP INI file is located in the HostGator web server root directory, specifically at the following location:


The PHP INI file is a text file that stores configuration information for the PHP interpreter. In particular, the PHP INI file contains information about the location of the PHP library files, the allowed extensions, and other miscellaneous settings.

PRO TIP: The PHP INI file is located in the root directory of your HostGator account. You can access it via FTP or cPanel. If you are not familiar with PHP INI files, we recommend that you contact your web developer or HostGator support for assistance.

The PHP INI file can be edited using the standard text editor that is included with HostGator’s control panel. To make changes to the PHP INI file, first open the file in your text editor and make the changes that you need.

Then, save the file and exit your text editor.

When you restart the HostGator web server, the changes that you have made to the PHP INI file will take effect.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.