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Where Is the Tools Panel in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 8:41 pm

The Tools panel is one of the most important panels in Photoshop. It contains all the tools you need to edit your images. The Tools panel is located on the left side of the screen, next to the Layers panel.

There are two ways to access the Tools panel:

1. Click on the “Tools” tab at the top of the screen.

2. Press the “F4” key on your keyboard.

The Tools panel is divided into two sections:

The Toolbox

The Toolbox contains all of the tools you need to edit your images. Each tool has a shortcut key that you can use to quickly access it.

To use a tool, simply click on it or press its shortcut key. The currently selected tool will be highlighted in blue.

PRO TIP: The ‘Where Is the Tools Panel in Photoshop?’ article is outdated and no longer accurate. The information it contains may be misleading or inaccurate.

The Options Bar

The Options Bar contains options for the currently selected tool. For example, if you have the Brush tool selected, the Options Bar will contain options for controlling the size and shape of the brush. You can also access menu options for the currently selected tool from the Options Bar.

Where Is the Tools Panel in Photoshop?

The Tools panel is located on the left side of the screen, next to the Layers panel. There are two ways to access the Tools panel: 1.

Click on the “Tools” tab at the top of the screen. 2.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.