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Where Is the Transform Tool in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:18 pm

If you’re new to Photoshop, you may be wondering where the Transform tool is located. The Transform tool is actually a group of tools that can be found in the upper left corner of the Photoshop workspace.

The Transform tool allows you to scale, rotate, skew, and warp an image. It’s a powerful tool that can be used to create some really cool effects. To use the Transform tool, simply select an object on your canvas and then click on the Transform tool in the toolbar.

Once you’ve selected the Transform tool, you’ll see a bounding box around your object. You can use this bounding box to transform your object.

To scale your object, click and drag one of the corner handles. To rotate your object, click and drag outside of the bounding box. To skew your object, click and drag one of the side handles.

PRO TIP: The Transform tool in Photoshop can be found under the Edit menu. To access it, go to Edit > Transform. If you are not sure where the tool is located, you can always use the shortcut keys (Ctrl + T on a PC or Cmd + T on a Mac) to access it.

Once you’ve transformed your object, you can click the Commit button in the options bar or press Enter/Return to apply the transformation. You can also click the Cancel button in the options bar or press Esc to cancel the transformation.

Where Is the Transform Tool in Photoshop

The Transform tool is located in the upper left corner of the Photoshop workspace.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.