Website Building » WooCommerce » Where Is the WooCommerce Authentication Key?

Where Is the WooCommerce Authentication Key?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:33 am

There are a few places you might find your WooCommerce Authentication Key. If you’re the owner of the site, it’s likely in your possession. If not, here are a few other places it might be:

In the site’s database

The WooCommerce Authentication Key is stored in the site’s database. If you have access to the database, you can find it there.

Look for a table called “woocommerce_options” and look for the “woocommerce_auth_key” option. The value for that option is the Authentication Key.

In the wp-config.php file

The WooCommerce Authentication Key is also stored in the wp-config.php file. This file is located in the root directory of the WordPress installation. Locate the line that says “define(‘WC_AUTH_KEY’, ‘..’);” and the value for that constant is the Authentication Key.

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce to sell products on your WordPress website, it is important to keep your WooCommerce Authentication Key up-to-date and secure. The Authentication Key is used to connect your WooCommerce account to your WordPress site, and allows WooCommerce to process orders and access customer data.

If you are unsure of where your Authentication Key is located, you can find it in the WooCommerce Settings page under the Advanced tab. If you do not see the Authentication Key field, you may need to generate a new key. To do this, simply click the “Generate Key” button and a new key will be generated for you.

It is important to keep your Authentication Key safe and secure, as it provides access to sensitive data on your WooCommerce account. If you believe that your Authentication Key has been compromised, you should generate a new key immediately.

If you still can’t find your Authentication Key, you can generate a new one from the WooCommerce Settings page.

Where Is The WooCommerce Authentication Key?

The Authentication Key for WooCommerce can be found in a few different places, depending on who owns the site and how it is configured. The key is generally either in possession of the site owner or stored in the WordPress database or wp-config.

If you’re having trouble finding your key, you can generate a new one from the WooCommerce Settings page.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.