Web Design » Figma » Where Is Variants in Figma?

Where Is Variants in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:15 pm

Variants in Figma are a powerful way to manage design changes. With variants, you can create multiple versions of a component and easily switch between them.

For example, you could create a variant for each color of a button component.

To create a variant, select the component in the canvas or the layers panel and click the “Create Variant” button in the properties panel. You can also Right-click on a component and select “Create Variant” from the menu.

Once you’ve created a variant, you can change its properties in the properties panel. To change the name of a variant, double-click on its name in the properties panel. To delete a variant, click the “X” next to its name.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for the “Where is Variants” feature in Figma, it has been moved to the “More Options” menu in the top-right corner of the screen.

When you create a variant, Figma automatically creates a new master component. This master component is linked to the original component, so any changes you make to the master will be reflected in all of its variants. To edit the master component, select it in the canvas or the layers panel and click the “Edit Master” button in the properties panel.

You can also Right-click on a variant and select “Edit Master” from the menu. This will open up the original component so you can make your changes.

Where Is Variants in Figma?

To access variants in Figma, go to the canvas or layers panel and click on the “Create Variant” button in the properties panel.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.