Web Design » Photoshop » Which Interpolation Method Is Best in Photoshop?

Which Interpolation Method Is Best in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:16 pm

There are many interpolation methods available in Photoshop, and choosing the best one can be tricky. Here is a rundown of the most popular interpolation methods, and when to use them:

Bicubic: This is the default method in Photoshop, and it does a good job at resizing images without creating too much noise. However, it can sometimes make images look softer than they should.

Bicubic Smoother: This method is great for reducing noise in images, but it can also make them look softer.

Bicubic Sharper: As the name suggests, this method Sharpens images more than the other methods. However, it can also create artifacts and noise.

Nearest Neighbor: This is the fastest interpolation method, but it doesn’t produce the best results. Images often look jagged and pixelated when using this method.

Bilinear: This is a good all-around method that doesn’t introduce too much noise into images.


Which interpolation method you use will depend on your specific needs. If you need to reduce noise in your image, go with either Bicubic Smoother or Bilinear.

If you need to sharpen your image, use Bicubic Sharper. And if you need to resize your image quickly, use Nearest Neighbor.

PRO TIP: Interpolation is a technique used to estimate values between known data points. There are many different interpolation methods available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.Choosing the best interpolation method for a given situation can be difficult, and often requires trial and error. Additionally, the results of interpolation can be sensitive to the choice of method, so it is important to select the appropriate method for the desired results.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.