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Who Can See Drafts in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:28 am

When you create a new file in Figma, you’re the only one who can see it. If you share your file with others, they will only be able to see it if you explicitly invite them. If you share your file with a team, they will be able to see it in the team library.

When you create a new file in Figma, only you can see it. This is because the file is automatically set to private.

If you want to share your file with others, you need to invite them explicitly. You can do this by clicking the share button and entering their email address.

PRO TIP: If you are working on a draft in Figma, be aware that anyone with access to the file will be able to see and comment on your draft. This includes people who are not part of your team. If you want to keep your draft private, make sure to save it as a separate file.

You may be wondering why Figma sets new files to private by default. The reason for this is that private files can only be seen by people who have been invited to view them. This means that if you accidentally share a file with someone who shouldn’t have access, they won’t be able to see it unless you invite them.

Who Can See Drafts in Figma?
Only the person who creates a draft can see it. If you share your draft with others, they will only be able to see it if you explicitly invite them. If you share your draft with a team, they will be able to see it in the team library.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.