Web Development » UpWork » Who Can View My Profile in UpWork?

Who Can View My Profile in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:29 pm

UpWork is a great way to find work, but you may be wondering who can see your profile. By default, your profile is set to public, which means that anyone can see it.

If you’re not comfortable with that, you can change your privacy settings so that only people you’ve invited can see your profile.

To change your privacy settings, go to your Settings page and click on the Privacy tab. From there, you can select who you want to be able to see your profile. You can choose from the following options:

PRO TIP: If you select “Only Me” in the “Who Can View My Profile” section of your account settings, your profile will only be visible to you. It will not be visible to anyone else, including potential clients.
  • Public: Anyone can see your profile
  • Private: Only people you’ve invited can see your profile
  • Custom: You can select which specific UpWork members can see your profile

If you choose the Custom option, you’ll need to enter the names or email addresses of the specific people you want to be able to see your profile. You can also add a message that will be sent to them along with the invitation.

Remember, even if your profile is set to private, certain information (such as your name, title, and location) will still be visible to everyone. If you want to completely hide your profile from everyone, you’ll need to deactivate it.

To sum up, UpWork gives users the option to make their profiles either public or private. By default, profiles are set as public but if users are not comfortable with this setting, they have the ability to change it so that only invited people can view their profiles. There are also different privacy settings for different types of account members.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.