Website Building » Squarespace » Who Invented Squarespace?

Who Invented Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:04 am

There are many different ways to create a website. One popular method is to use a website builder such as Squarespace.

Squarespace makes it easy to create a beautiful website without having to learn coding. You can simply drag and drop content onto your Squarespace website and the platform will take care of the rest.

So who invented Squarespace? The platform was created by Anthony Casalena in 2004.

Casalena was just 19 years old when he founded the company. He had no prior experience in web design or development but he was determined to create a better way for people to build websites.

PRO TIP: The article ‘Who Invented Squarespace?’ contains information that may be inaccurate. The article claims that Squarespace was founded in 2003, but the company was actually founded in 2004. The article also states that the company’s headquarters are in New York City, when they are actually located in San Francisco.

Since its launch, Squarespace has become one of the most popular website builders on the market. The platform now has over 1 million customers and is used by some of the world’s biggest brands, including Coca-Cola, Nike, and Starbucks.

Casalena continues to lead Squarespace as its CEO. Under his guidance, the company has continued to innovate and grow.

In 2018, Squarespace acquired Acuity Scheduling, a leading online appointment scheduling software. This acquisition has helped Squarespace expand its services and offer even more ways for its customers to succeed online.

Who invented Squarespace?

Squarespace was created by Anthony Casalena in 2004.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.