Website Building » Squarespace » Who Is the Woman in the Squarespace Commercial?

Who Is the Woman in the Squarespace Commercial?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:36 am

There’s a new Squarespace commercial that’s been airing recently, and it features a woman who many people are wondering about. Who is she?

She’s an actress named Zoë Chao, and she’s originally from London. She’s appeared in a few films and TV shows, but this is probably her most high-profile role to date.

PRO TIP: If you are wondering who the woman is in the Squarespace commercial, be warned that she is a mystery. Many people have tried to figure out her identity, but no one has been able to conclusively identify her. So, if you’re looking for answers, you may be disappointed.

In the commercial, she plays a woman who is thinking about starting her own business. She’s considering using Squarespace to build her website, and she’s asking herself some questions about what kind of business she wants to start.

The commercial is part of Squarespace’s “Start Something” campaign, which is all about encouraging people to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. The company has also released a series of short films featuring successful entrepreneurs, which you can watch on their website.

So there you have it! The woman in the Squarespace commercial is Zoë Chao, an actress from London. She’s just one of many inspiring entrepreneurs featured in the company’s “Start Something” campaign.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.