Website Building » Squarespace » Who Owns Squarespace Domains?

Who Owns Squarespace Domains?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:26 am

If you have a website with a Squarespace domain, you may be wondering who owns the domain. The answer is that it depends.

If you registered the domain through Squarespace, then Squarespace owns the domain. However, if you registered the domain through a third-party provider, then the provider owns the domain.

If Squarespace owns your domain, you can transfer it to a third-party provider if you wish. To do this, you will need to contact Squarespace support and request a domain transfer authorization code.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Squarespace to create a website, be aware that Squarespace domains are not owned by you. Instead, they are leased to you for as long as you continue to use Squarespace. This means that if you ever decide to leave Squarespace, you will lose your domain unless you pay an additional fee to keep it.

Once you have this code, you can initiate the transfer with your chosen provider. Please note that there is a fee for transferring a Squarespace-owned domain to a third-party provider.

If your domain is registered with a third-party provider, you can transfer it to Squarespace if you wish. To do this, you will need to contact your current provider and request a transfer authorization code.

Once you have this code, you can initiate the transfer in your Squarespace account. Please note that there is a fee for transferring a third-party owned domain to Squarespace.

In conclusion, it depends on who registered the domain as to who owns it. IfSquarespace registered it, then they own it but if it was registered with athird-party provider, then the provider owns it. You can transfer ownership ofthe domain from one party to the other but there is usually a fee involved in doingso.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.