Website Building » Shopify » Why Are My Collections Not Showing in Shopify?

Why Are My Collections Not Showing in Shopify?

Last updated on December 2, 2022 @ 8:10 am

If you’ve recently created collections in Shopify, and they’re not appearing on your storefront, there are a few potential causes.


First, check to see if the collections are visible in your Shopify admin.

If they’re not, then they’re likely unpublished. To make a collection visible in your admin, go to Products > Collections and click on the Collection you want to edit. In the Visibility section, select Published. Or click More actions, and in the dropdown menu, select Make Collection available.

Make collection available

There are a few other potential reasons why your collections might not be appearing on your storefront:

1. Your theme might not be compatible with Shopify’s collection structure. If this is the case, you’ll need to reach out to a Shopify Expert to help you customize your theme. Theme incompatibility usually happens when you’re trying to upload or connect your own theme incompatible with Shopify’s structure.

Theme is not valid

2. You might have accidentally created a Smart Collection instead of a Custom Collection.

Smart Collections are generated automatically based on certain conditions (like product type or price), whereas Custom Collections are manually created by the store owner. To change a Smart Collection to a Custom Collection, go to Products > Collections and click on the Collection you want to edit. In the Collection type section, select Custom collection or Manual.

Collection type must be set to manual

3. Another possibility is that your collections aren’t linked to any menu items in your navigation bar.

To fix this, go to Online Store > Navigation. In the Main menu section, click on the Add menu item button and select Collection. Then, choose the Collection you want to add from the dropdown menu and click Add.

Add menu item to the navigation

If you’ve recently created a collection in Shopify, and they’re not appearing on your storefront, there are a few potential causes. To make a collection visible in your admin, go to Products > Collections and click on the Collection you want to edit. In the Visibility section, select Published.

To change a Smart Collection to a Custom Collection, go to Products > Collections and click on the Collection you want to edit. In the Collection type section, select Custom collection.

To fix this, go to Online Store > Navigation. In the Main menu section, click on the Add menu item button and select Collection. Then, choose the Collection you want to add from the dropdown menu and click Add.

PRO TIP: If your collections are not appearing in your Shopify store, it is likely because they have not been properly set up. Make sure that you have created your collections in the Shopify admin and that they have been assigned to the correct products. If you still have trouble, reach out to Shopify support for help.

The most likely reason your collections are not showing up in Shopify is that they are unpublished in your admin settings. To make them visible again, go into Products > Collections and find the desired Collection (s). In the Visibility section for each one, select Published to appear on your storefront.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.