Web Design » Figma » Why Are My Images Not Showing Up in Figma?

Why Are My Images Not Showing Up in Figma?

Last updated on April 29, 2023 @ 1:33 pm

If your images are not showing up in Figma, it is likely because you are using the wrong file format. Figma only supports .png, .jpg, .heic, .webp, and .gif files. Make sure that your image is in one of these formats before trying to upload it to Figma.


It’s also possible that your image is too large or too small. Figma has a maximum file size of 25MB and a minimum size of 1×1 pixels. If your image is outside of these dimensions, it will not show up in Figma.

PRO TIP: If you are experiencing issues with images not appearing in Figma, there are a few potential causes:

-The file may be corrupted or damaged. Try opening the file in another program to see if the issue persists.

-The image may be too large or in the wrong format. Try resizing the image or converting it to a different format.

-There may be a problem with your internet connection. Try restarting your computer or refreshing the page.

Finally, check to see if your image is on a secure server (https). If it is not, Figma will not be able to load it. To fix this, simply upload your image to a secure server and then try to add it to Figma again.

If you are still having trouble adding images to Figma, contact their support team for help.


There are several reasons why your images might not be showing up in Figma. The most common reason is that you are using the wrong file format. Another possibility is that your image is too large or too small. Finally, check to see if your image is on a secure server (https). If you are still having trouble adding images to Figma, contact their support team for help.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.