Website Building » BigCommerce » Why BigCommerce stock is down?

Why BigCommerce stock is down?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:22 am

BigCommerce is a cloud-based ecommerce platform that allows businesses of all sizes to create, manage, and grow their online stores. The company offers a variety of features and tools, including a custom shopping cart, an order management system, and a sales funnel.

In early November, BigCommerce announced that it had been acquired by Shopify. This news sent BigCommerce stock prices skyrocketing, as investors believed that the acquisition would lead to significant growth for the company.

However, since the acquisition was announced, BigCommerce’ stock prices have plummeted, as investors are questioning whether the company will be able to live up to the lofty expectations that were set after the acquisition was announced.

PRO TIP: BigCommerce stock is down because the company is losing money. The company is not generating enough revenue to cover its costs. The stock is down because investors are worried about the company’s ability to generate profits.

There are several reasons why BigCommerce stock is down. First, many investors are worried that the acquisition will not lead to the significant growth that was expected.

Second, Shopify is a much larger company than BigCommerce, and investors are unsure whether BigCommerce will be able to compete with Shopify’s resources. Third, Shopify has a history of being aggressive with its acquisitions, and many investors are worried that BigCommerce will be the next company to be acquired by Shopify.

In conclusion, while BigCommerce’ stock prices have declined since the acquisition was announced, it is too early to say for sure whether the acquisition will not lead to significant growth for the company. However, for now, investors are skeptical, and BigCommerce’ stock prices reflect that.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.