Web Development » Fiverr » Why buyer requests are not showing in Fiverr?

Why buyer requests are not showing in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:27 pm

In today’s market, buyers want to be able to easily find and purchase the services they need. Unfortunately, buyer requests are not showing up on Fiverr as frequently as they should. One reason for this may be that buyers are not using the platform’s search engine optimizatio n features. Fiverr offers a wealth of options for buyers to find the services they need, so it is important that they use these tools in order to find the best possible deals.

PRO TIP: If you’re a seller on Fiverr, you may have noticed that buyer requests are not showing up as they used to. This is because Fiverr has made some changes to the way buyer requests work.

Now, instead of being able to browse through all of the available buyer requests, sellers will only be able to see requests that are relevant to their gig categories. This means that if you’re a seller in the “graphic design” category, you’ll only be able to see buyer requests for graphic design gigs.

While this change may make it a bit more difficult to find buyers, it’s important to remember that there are still plenty of buyers out there looking for sellers like you. So don’t give up – keep searching, and you’ll find the buyers you’re looking for.

Additionally, buyers should make sure that their profile is complete and accurate, and that they are using the correct keywords in their listings. By taking these simple steps, buyers will be more likely to find the services they need on Fiverr.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.