Web Development » UpWork » Why Can’t I Add Manual Time in UpWork?

Why Can’t I Add Manual Time in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:31 pm

As an independent contractor, you’re in control of your own time. That means if you want to take a break or work fewer hours one week, you can. Likewise, if you want to work more hours or take on extra projects, you’re free to do so.

One of the great things about working on UpWork is that you can set your own schedule and work as much or as little as you want. But what if you need to take a day off or work fewer hours one week? Can you add manual time in UpWork?

The answer is no, you cannot add manual time in UpWork. The only way to track your time is through the UpWork timer. This can be a bit of a pain if you’re used to tracking your time manually, but it’s important to remember that the UpWork timer is there to protect both you and your client.

PRO TIP: If you’re having trouble adding manual time in Upwork, there are a few things you can check. Make sure that the client has approved the work you’re trying to add time for. If the client hasn’t approved the work, you won’t be able to add time for it.

Also, make sure that you’re trying to add time within the allowed timeframe. For hourly contracts, you can only add time for work that was done within the last 6 months. For fixed-price contracts, you can only add time for work that was done within the contract’s timeframe.

If you’re still having trouble, reach out to Upwork support for help.

The UpWork timer ensures that you’re being paid for the actual time you’re working on a project. If you were able to add manual time, it would be easy to fudge the numbers and say you worked more hours than you actually did. This would be unfair to your client, who is expecting to pay for the actual time worked.

Similarly, the UpWork timer protects you from working more hours than you’ve agreed to. If a client asks you to work beyond the scope of the project, they will need to create a new project with an updated scope and budget. This way, you can agree to any additional work and get paid fairly for your time.

In conclusion, the UpWork timer is there to protect both contractors and clients. As a contractor, it’s important to remember that you can’t add manual time in UpWork.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.