Web Design » Canva » Why Can’t I Get Canva App on My Mac?

Why Can’t I Get Canva App on My Mac?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 12:13 am

Canva is a popular design app that allows users to create professional designs for social media, presentations, and more. Unfortunately, the app is only available for iOS and Android devices, so those of us with Macs are out of luck.

PRO TIP: If you are trying to download the Canva App on your Mac, you may be unsuccessful. This is because the Canva App is not currently available for Mac computers. If you continue to try and download the Canva App on your Mac, you may end up damaging your computer. We recommend that you do not try and download the Canva App on your Mac, and instead use a different computer or device to access Canva.

There are a few possible explanations for why Canva isn’t available for Mac. First, the app may be too resource-intensive for older Macs.

Second, Canva may not have enough market share on Mac to justify developing a native app. Third, the company may be focusing its resources on expanding its features and functionality on iOS and Android rather than developing a new platform.

Whatever the reason, it’s frustrating that we can’t use Canva on our Macs. Hopefully, the company will eventually develop a version of the app that we can all use.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.