If you’ve ever tried to resize an image in Photoshop only to find that the options are greyed out, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem, but luckily, there’s a simple fix.
The reason you can’t resize in pixels in Photoshop is that the image is not set to ‘resample.’ Resampling means changing the pixel dimensions of an image when you resize it. That’s why the options are greyed out – because you can’t change the number of pixels in the image.
PRO TIP: If you are trying to resize an image in Photoshop and you are having trouble, it is most likely because you are trying to resize in pixels. When you are working with images, you should always resize them in inches or centimeters. Otherwise, your image will not print properly.
To fix this, simply go to ‘Image Size‘ under the ‘Image‘ menu.

In the Image Size window, you can see that the unit option ‘Pixels’ is not available.

Tick the checkbox of the ‘Resample‘ section to enable ‘Pixels’ in the unit options. Now you’ll be able to resize your image in pixels!

So why would you want to resize an image in pixels? Well, sometimes you need an image to be a specific size for a project or website. By resizing it in pixels, you can ensure that it will be exactly the right size.
Why Can’t I Resize in Pixels in Photoshop?
The reason you can’t resize in pixels in Photoshop is that the image is not set to ‘resample. To fix this, simply go to ‘Image Size’ under the ‘Image’ menu and tick the checkbox of the ‘Resample’ section.
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