Web Design » Figma » Why Can’t I See My Grid in Figma?

Why Can’t I See My Grid in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:07 pm

Have you ever opened up a Figma file, only to be greeted by a blank canvas? Or, worse yet, an empty grid?

It can be pretty confusing, especially if you’re used to seeing your grid as soon as you open up a new file. So why can’t you see your grid in Figma?

There are actually a few different reasons why your grid might not be visible in Figma. The most common reason is that you simply haven’t enabled the grid setting.

To do this, just go to File > Preferences > General and make sure that the “Show Grid” option is checked. If it’s not, just check the box and you should see your grid appear.

Another possible reason why your grid might not be appearing is because you’re zoomed in too far. The grid will only appear when you’re zoomed in at 100% or less.

So if you’re zoomed in at 150% or more, you won’t be able to see the grid. Just zoom out until you’re back at 100% and you should see the grid appear.

PRO TIP: If you’re wondering why you can’t see your grid in Figma, it’s because you need to turn on the grid option in the View Menu. To do this, go to View > Grid > Enable Grid.

One final possibility is that you have objects selected that are obscuring the grid. This can happen if you have any objects (or even just points) selected and then try to view the grid.

To fix this, just deselect everything by clicking on the canvas outside of any objects. Once everything is deselected, you should be able to see the grid again.

If you’re still having trouble seeing your grid in Figma, feel free to reach out to our support team for help. We’re always happy to lend a hand!

Why Can’t I See My Grid in Figma?
There are a few different reasons why your grid might not be visible in Figma.

Another possible reason why your grid might not be appearing is because you’re zoomed in too far. One final possibility is that you have objects selected that are obscuring the grid. If you’re still having trouble seeing your grid in Figma, reach out to our support team for help.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.