Website Building » Squarespace » Why Did Squarespace Charge Me Twice?

Why Did Squarespace Charge Me Twice?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:00 am

There are a few potential reasons why Squarespace may have charged you twice for the same purchase.

One possibility is that you may have accidentally clicked the ‘submit’ button twice when you were making your purchase. If this is the case, Squarespace would have registered two separate transactions and charged you accordingly.

PRO TIP: If you have been charged twice for your Squarespace subscription, it is likely because you have two separate accounts. You will need to contact Squarespace customer service to resolve the issue. In the meantime, do not attempt to cancel one of the subscriptions, as this will result in a cancellation fee.

Another possibility is that you may have been using a different payment method for each purchase. For example, if you used a credit card for one purchase and PayPal for the other, Squarespace would have processed both payments separately.

If you’re unsure why Squarespace has charged you twice, we recommend contacting their customer support team for clarification. They should be able to tell you exactly why you were charged twice and how to resolve the issue.

In conclusion, there are a few potential reasons why Squarespace may have charged you twice for the same purchase. If you’re unsure why this happened, we recommend contacting their customer support team for clarification.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.