Web Development » Fiverr » Why Does Fiverr Hold Money for 14 Days?

Why Does Fiverr Hold Money for 14 Days?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:48 pm

When you first start using Fiverr, you may wonder why your earnings are being held for 14 days. After all, other freelance platforms release payments much sooner. So what’s the deal with the 14-day wait on Fiverr?

First, it’s important to understand that Fiverr is a bit different from other platforms in terms of how payments work. On Fiverr, you don’t get paid per project.

Instead, you get paid per gig. This means that if you have several gigs going on at once, you can actually start earning money before the 14-day waiting period is up.

But why does Fiverr hold onto your earnings for 14 days?

PRO TIP: Fiverr holds money for 14 days to protect buyers and sellers. This is because it takes time to complete a project and deliver it. If something goes wrong, Fiverr will refund the buyer.

The main reason is to protect both buyers and sellers. When a buyer purchases a gig, they have 14 days to cancel the order if they’re not happy with it.

This gives them time to receive the work and make sure it’s up to their standards. If they’re not satisfied, they can cancel the order and get a refund.

As a seller, this protection is important because it gives you time to deliver quality work. If a buyer were to cancel an order right after receiving it, you wouldn’t be able to dispute the cancellation or leave a review of your own.

So in short, the 14-day waiting period is there to protect both buyers and sellers on Fiverr. And while it may seem like a long time to wait for your earnings, keep in mind that you can start earning money before that time is up.

Why Does Fiverr Hold Money for 14 Days?

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.