Web Development » Fiverr » Why Does It Take 14 Days to Clear Funds on Fiverr?

Why Does It Take 14 Days to Clear Funds on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:48 pm

If you’re a freelancer, you’re probably all too familiar with the challenge of getting paid. Whether it’s waiting on a client to approve your invoices or chasing down a late payment, getting the money you’re owed can be a real headache. And if you use Fiverr to find work, you know that the process can take even longer.

Fiverr is a popular freelancing platform that connects businesses with service providers. Unlike other sites, Fiverr doesn’t release payments immediately after a job is completed.

Instead, it holds onto your earnings for 14 days before releasing them to you. This can be frustrating if you’re used to being paid right away, but there are some good reasons for the delay.

PRO TIP: If you’re waiting for funds to clear on Fiverr, be aware that it may take up to 14 days. This is because Fiverr uses a rolling payout system, which means that each time you withdraw funds, they are taken from your current earnings. If you have a low balance, it may take longer for the funds to clear.

For one thing, holding onto payments gives Fiverr time to verify that the job was completed satisfactorily. This protects both buyers and sellers from fraud or poor-quality work. It also gives buyers time to dispute a charge if they’re not happy with the results of the job.

Another reason for the delay is that it gives Fiverr time to build up a reserve of funds in case there are chargebacks or refunds. This protects sellers from being shortchanged if a buyer decides to cancel their order.

So while it may be frustrating to wait 14 days for your payments, it’s important to remember that this policy is in place to protect both buyers and sellers on the platform. And in the end, it’s worth the wait to get paid for your hard work.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.