Website Building » Shopify » Why Does My Shopify Store Say Coming Soon?

Why Does My Shopify Store Say Coming Soon?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:47 pm

There are a few reasons your Shopify store might say “Coming Soon.”

The first reason is that you haven’t launched your store yet. To launch your store, go to Settings > General > Launch.

If you’ve launched your store but you’re still seeing the “Coming Soon” page, it’s likely because you have the password protection feature turned on. To turn off password protection, go to Settings > General > Password protection.

Another reason you might see the “Coming Soon” page is if you’re using a domain that’s not connected to Shopify. To fix this, connect your domain to Shopify:

  • If you bought your domain from Shopify: Go to Settings > Domains > Connect existing domain.
  • If you bought your domain from another registrar: Go to Settings > Domains > Add custom domain.


There are a few reasons why your Shopify store might say “Coming Soon.” The first reason is that you haven’t launched your store yet. To launch your store, go to Settings > General > Launch. If you’ve launched your store but you’re still seeing the “Coming Soon” page, it’s likely because you have the password protection feature turned on.

To turn off password protection, go to Settings > General > Password protection. Another reason you might see the “Coming Soon” page is if you’re using a domain that’s not connected to Shopify. To fix this, connect your domain to Shopify: If you bought your domain from Shopify: Go to Settings > Domains > Connect existing domain. If you bought your domain from another registrar: Go to Settings > Domains > Add custom domain.

PRO TIP: If you see the message “Coming Soon” on your Shopify store, it means that the store owner has not yet launched their online store. Launching a store can take a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of the store and the number of products. Once the store is launched, the message will be replaced with the store’s normal home page.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.