Website Building » Wix » Why Does My Wix Site Look Different When Published?

Why Does My Wix Site Look Different When Published?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:17 am

As you may have noticed, your Wix site may look different when you publish it. This is because the way Wix sites are displayed can be affected by the browser you are using, the device you are viewing the site on, and even your internet connection. While this may seem like a lot to take into account, there are some easy ways to ensure that your Wix site looks its best no matter what.

One way to ensure that your Wix site looks great no matter what device or browser it is being viewed on is to use the Wix Mobile Editor. This editor allows you to customize the way your site looks on mobile devices, so you can be sure that it will always look its best. You can also use the Mobile Editor to add features that are only available on mobile devices, such as click-to-call buttons and GPS directions.


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Another way to make sure your Wix site looks its best is to use high-quality images. When you upload images to your site, make sure they are in a format that is supported by all browsers and devices.

PRO TIP: If you have recently published your Wix site and are noticing that it looks different than it did in the Editor, it is most likely because you are viewing it in Wix Mobile View.

JPEGs and PNGs are typically the best formats to use. You should also avoid using animated GIFs, as they can often cause issues on certain devices.

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your Wix site looks great is to test it on different browsers and devices. This will help you identify any potential issues so you can fix them before publishing your site. You can use the Wix Mobile Simulator to test how your site looks on different mobile devices, or use a service like BrowserStack to test how it looks on different browsers.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your Wix site will look great no matter what device or browser it is being viewed on.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.