Website Building » Wix » Why Does My Wix Website Look Different on My Phone?

Why Does My Wix Website Look Different on My Phone?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:06 am

If you’ve ever created a website using Wix, you may have noticed that it can look different when viewed on a phone than it does on a computer. The reason for this is that Wix uses a responsive design, which means that the website will adjust to the size of the screen it’s being viewed on. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you’ve designed your website.

If you want your website to look the same on all devices, you’ll need to use a static design. This means that you’ll need to create different versions of your website for each device, and then redirect users to the appropriate version when they visit your site. This can be a lot of work, and it’s not always possible to get the exact same look on all devices.


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PRO TIP: If you are using a Wix website, it is important to be aware that the website may look different on your phone than it does on your computer. This is because Wix websites are not designed to be responsive, meaning that they do not automatically adjust to fit the screen size of your device. This can make navigating and using your Wix website difficult on a mobile device. If you need to use your Wix website on a mobile device, we recommend using the Wix Mobile App, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.

If you’re okay with your website looking different on different devices, then you don’t need to do anything special. Wix will automatically adjust your site to look its best on whatever device it’s being viewed on. This can be a great way to save time and ensure that your site looks good no matter where it’s being viewed.


In conclusion, Wix websites use responsive design which means that the website will adjust to the size of the screen it is being viewed one. If you want your website to look the same across all devices, you need to use static design but this might not always give you the exact same look.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.