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Why Does the Brush Circle Disappeared in Photoshop?

Last updated on February 3, 2023 @ 7:17 am

When you’re using the Brush tool in Photoshop, you may have noticed that the brush circle disappears after a while. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to create a precise line or shape. So why does this happen?

There are actually two reasons why the brush circle disappears in Photoshop. The first is that your cursor is set to “auto-hide.”

This means that the cursor will only be visible when you’re actively using the brush tool. To change this setting, go to Preferences > Cursor > Auto Hide. Then, uncheck the “Auto Hide” box.

Go to Photoshop edit menu and select cursors under the preferences menu In the Photoshop preferences uncheck the auto hide brush option

The second reason why the brush circle disappears is that you’re zoomed in too far. When you’re zoomed in past 100%, the brush circle will no longer be visible.

Check your Photoshop settings if it is zoom in too much

This is because the brush circle is only meant to help you see where your cursor is when you’re zoomed out. So if you need to see the brush circle, make sure you’re not zoomed in too far.

Zoom out your design in Photoshop so the brush will show up

PRO TIP: If you are using Photoshop and the brush circle disappears, this may be due to a number of factors. First, check to see if the Caps Lock key is on, as this will disable the brush tool. Next, check your brush settings to make sure that you have not accidentally set the brush size to 0. Finally, make sure that you are not zoomed in too far, as the brush circle will not appear when zoomed in beyond 100%. If you are still having trouble, try resetting your Photoshop preferences.


The brush circle disappears in Photoshop for two reasons: because your cursor is set to “auto-hide,” or because you’re zoomed in too far. To fix this, simply uncheck the “Auto Hide” box in Preferences, or zoom out until the brush circle becomes visible again.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.