Website Building » Wix » Why Does Wix Reduce Image Quality?

Why Does Wix Reduce Image Quality?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:42 am

When you upload an image to Wix, there’s a noticeable reduction in quality. This is because Wix compresses images to reduce their file size. While this doesn’t affect the overall look of most images, it can cause problem for those with text or line art. The compression makes these images appear fuzzy or blurry.

There are a few reasons why Wix does this. The first is that it helps to keep the site loading quickly.


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Smaller image files load faster than larger ones, so by compressing images, Wix can keep the site loading quickly for all users. Additionally, by reducing the file size of images, Wix can save on storage space. Images can take up a lot of space, so by compressing them, Wix can keep costs down.

PRO TIP: When you upload an image to Wix, it is automatically compressed and the quality is reduced. This is done to optimize website performance. However, this can result in lower quality images on your website.

While the image quality reduction may be noticeable, it’s not usually a major problem. Most photos will still look good on the site, and for those with text or line art, there are ways to work around the compression (which we’ll get into later). Overall, the benefits of compressed images outweigh the drawbacks for most users.

The main reason why Wix reduces image quality is to keep the site loading quickly for all users.

While the image quality reduction may be noticeable, it’s not usually a major problem.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.