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Why Fiverr Grows Faster Than UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:12 am

Fiverr and UpWork are both freelancing platforms that have seen tremendous growth in recent years. But which one is growing faster

The answer may surprise you.

Fiverr has been growing at a much faster rate than UpWork. In the last year, Fiverr’s revenue has grown by 50%, while UpWork’s has only grown by 10%.

PRO TIP: Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to find work, but there are some things to be aware of before using it.

First, Fiverr takes a 20% cut of all earnings, so freelancers will need to factor that into their pricing.

Second, Fiverr does not have the same level of protection for intellectual property as Upwork. This means that freelancers could find their work being used without permission or compensation.

Third, Fiverr does not have the same level of customer support as Upwork. This means that if there are any problems with a project, it can be difficult to get help from Fiverr.

There are a few reasons for this. First, Fiverr is much more focused on lower-priced services, while UpWork has a mix of lower and higher-priced services. This means that Fiverr is able to attract a wider range of buyers, including those who are price-sensitive.

Second, Fiverr is much more user-friendly than UpWork. Fiverr’s interface is much simpler and easier to use, which makes it more attractive to buyers and sellers alike.

Third, Fiverr has been investing heavily in marketing and brand building, while UpWork has been largely relying on organic growth. This has helped Fiverr to reach a wider audience and grow at a much faster rate.

So there you have it. Three reasons why Fiverr is growing faster than UpWork.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.