Website Building » Wix » Why Is a Payment Pending on Wix?

Why Is a Payment Pending on Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:55 pm

If you’ve ever used Wix to create a website, you may have noticed that there is an option to add a “Payment” button. This button allows you to collect payments from your website’s visitors.

However, you may have also noticed that there is a “Pending” status next to the Payment button. This article will explain why a payment may be pending on Wix.


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There are a few reasons why a payment may be pending on Wix. First, if you are using the free version of Wix, you will not be able to collect payments until you upgrade to a paid plan. Second, even if you are on a paid plan, Wix may still need to verify your account before allowing you to collect payments.

This process usually only takes a few days. Finally, if you have just added the Payment button to your website, it may take a few minutes for the button to become active.

PRO TIP: If you see a pending payment on your Wix account, this means that the payment is being processed by your bank or credit card company. The payment should go through within a few days. If you have any questions about the pending payment, please contact your bank or credit card company.

If you are unsure why a payment is pending on your Wix account, the best thing to do is contact Wix directly. They will be able to help you figure out why the payment is pending and how to fix the problem.

The most common reason for a payment being pending on Wix is that the user is on the free version of the site and has not upgraded to a paid plan. Another reason could be that Wix needs to verify the user’s account before allowing them to collect payments and this process usually only takes a few days. If the user has just added the Payment button to their website, it may take a few minutes for the button to become active.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.