Web Design » Canva » Why Is Canva Not in English?

Why Is Canva Not in English?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 12:07 pm

Since its launch in 2013, Canva has become one of the most popular online design tools. The platform is used by over 10 million people each month, and it’s available in over 100 languages.

However, Canva is not available in English.

So why is Canva not in English? There are a few possible reasons. First, English is not the native language of Canva’s founder, Melanie Perkins.

Second, English is not the only language spoken by Canva’s users. And third, Canva may be Targeting non-English speaking markets.

Canva’s Founder, Melanie Perkins is Australian and her first language is English. However, she has said that she “grew up bilingual” and is also fluent in Indonesian.

It’s possible that Perkins decided to make Canva available in languages other than English because she herself is bilingual.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with the English language, you may want to avoid using Canva. The website is not currently available in any other languages. This could cause some frustrating errors when trying to create designs.

Canva has users all over the world, and English is not the only language spoken by its users. In fact, over 50% of Canva’s users are from outside of the United States.

given these statistics, it makes sense that Canva would be available in multiple languages.

Finally, it’s possible that Canva is Targeting non-English speaking markets. The platform is available in many countries where English is not the primary language spoken.

For example, Canva is available in China, Japan, and Brazil. In these countries, it’s likely that there are more non-English speakers than English speakers.


There are a few possible reasons why Canva is not available in English.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.