Web Design » Canva » Why Is It Blurry When I Save From Canva?

Why Is It Blurry When I Save From Canva?

Last updated on February 3, 2023 @ 2:22 pm

There are a few reasons why your images might be blurry when you save them from Canva.

The first reason is that the image is low resolution. When you save an image from Canva, it’s automatically saved as a low-resolution image. This means that the image will be of lower quality than the original.

Low resolution image results in blurry download quality from Canva

The second reason is that the image has been resized. When you resize an image, it can sometimes become blurry. This is because the pixels in the image are being stretched or shrunk, which can cause them to become distorted.

Stretched or shrunk image results in distorted low quality download from Canva

The third reason is that the image has been compressed. When you save an image from Canva, it’s automatically compressed to reduce its file size. This can sometimes cause the image to become slightly blurry.

If you’re concerned about the quality of your images, we recommend downloading them as PNG files instead of JPGs. PNG files are lossless, which means that they don’t lose any quality when they’re compressed. This makes them ideal for high-quality images that need to be printed or shared online.

Download your Canva image design file in PNG format for high quality outcome

Why Is It Blurry When I Save From Canva?

There are a few reasons why your images might be blurry when you save them from Canva.

The first reason is that the image is low resolution. When you save an image from Canva, it’s automatically saved as a low-resolution image. This means that the image will be of lower quality than the original.

PRO TIP: If you are experiencing blurriness when you save from Canva, it is likely due to a low resolution. Canva automatically saves your designs at a low resolution to make sure they load quickly. If you want to download your design at a higher resolution, you can upgrade to Canva Pro or Canva for Enterprise.

The second reason is that the image has been resized. This is because the pixels in the image are being stretched or shrunk, which can cause them to become distorted.

The third reason is that the image has been compressed. This can sometimes cause the image to become slightly blurry.

If you’re concerned about the quality of your images, we recommend downloading them as PNG files instead of JPGs. PNG files are lossless, which means that they don’t lose any quality when they’re compressed.
This makes them ideal for high-quality images that need to be printed or shared online.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.