Website Building » Wix » Why Is My Domain Not Connect to Wix?

Why Is My Domain Not Connect to Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:07 am

There are a few reasons why your domain may not be connecting to Wix. One reason could be that your domain is not set up correctly.

Another reason could be that your domain is not pointing to the Wix servers. Lastly, your domain may be expired.


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If your domain is not set up correctly, you will need to contact your domain registrar and update the name servers. The name servers for Wix are: and

If your domain is not pointing to the Wix servers, you will need to update the A record and/or CNAME record with your DNS provider. The IP address for the A record should be and the CNAME should be www.

PRO TIP: If you are having trouble connecting your domain to Wix, there are a few things you can check:

1. Make sure that your domain is registered with a valid registrar. If your domain is not registered, you will not be able to connect it to Wix.
2. Check the DNS settings for your domain. If the DNS settings are not pointing to Wix, you will not be able to connect your domain.
3. Make sure that you are using the correct URL for your domain. You should use the URL provided by Wix, which will look something like this:

If your domain is expired, you will need to renew it with your domain registrar.

If you have updated your settings and your domain still isn’t connecting to Wix, please contact our support team for further assistance.

There are a few reasons why your domain may not be connecting to Wix.

If you have updated your settings and your domain still isn’t connecting to Wix, please contact our support team for further assistance.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.